Business Recovery: Human Resources
6 Effective Ways HR Teams Can Leverage Big Data to Facilitate Business Recovery
Whatever your specialist area, today’s commercial environment demands that data must play a part in your strategic planning. As the saying goes, knowledge is power, and big data will remove the guesswork and provide insights and visibility for setting KPIs and predicting future successes.
How to use a remote workforce to propel business recovery
What do you think of when you hear the word ‘hybrid’? It is a term that has become increasingly popular in relation to vehicles in recent years but shifts in the way people work mean it is frequently used in HR circles too.
Three phases HR leaders must face during a crisis to aid business recovery
In times of crisis, it’s often HR leaders that businesses look to for guidance. From employees needing personal or emotional support, to the C-suite requiring legal advice or recommendations, your HR team will be central to instilling calm and reassurance in the most testing of situations.