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Reacting Positively to Job Rejection

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The prospect of a new job is exciting! You invest a lot of effort into the interview process and even start to picture yourself in the role. So, when you are rejected, it can be deeply frustrating and leave you feeling demotivated.

While you may feel like you just want to throw in the towel right now, at some point you will need to pick yourself up, dust yourself down and start again. Every rejection is a chance to improve and try again for opportunities that are a better fit, so try the following techniques and before you know it, you will be back job hunting better than ever before.

Make the most of feedback

You can request detailed feedback from the employer or the recruiter following your interview. Even if you are not going to apply for similar jobs, this feedback is vitally important. It might help you to address certain details in your CV, or to prepare more effectively for your next interview. Try not to get offended and see this feedback as a constructive learning tool.

Refine your search

You may not have been successful simply because competition was especially high. But sometimes, not getting a job is an indication that you’re not quite aiming at the right area or level. This is nothing to worry about – in fact, understanding where you should be aiming is a positive. Refine your search accordingly and apply for roles that match your skills and experience perfectly.

Fill your skills gaps

As technology and businesses evolve, the skills we need can change too. If you find that the roles you want necessitate a skill or qualification you don’t have, see if you can acquire it through a training course. You may find you need to pay for a qualification but going the extra mile can make a real difference for competitive jobs, and your willingness to develop your knowledge will be attractive to employers.

Stay positive

If you are feeling discouraged from a previous rejection you might appear a little defensive or negative at your next interview. It is important to approach each interview with positivity and optimism. So, take some time to recover and then wipe the slate clean – the only job that matters is the next one.

Do something fun

The best way of bounce back from something negative is to immediately do something you enjoy followed by something productive. Make arrangements to socialise with friends or do something you love then get stuck into a productive task such as refining your CV or preparing some interview notes. Fill yourself with positive and productive energy, which you can then use to renew your job search. For support with your job search, no matter which stage you are at we can help.

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